Monday, April 26, 2010

Easter Egg Hunts at School

It was a marathon of Easter Egg Hunts/parties at the kids Preschool on started out with Jack's class at 9:45..which was not so much a "hunt" as it was a "which kid can grab the most eggs strown about the grass the fastest"...they weren't exactly "hidden", but for "one year olds" it was just as exciting! Then I was off the Parkers class party/egg hunt at 10:30 (which was directly across the hallway). As always, Parker was rather shy about the egg hunting process....but once she figured out there was candy inside then all bets were off....Then I ran downstairs to Treys hunt at 11:30, whew! Trey's class actually had to look for their eggs out on the playground, but once they got to 12 eggs they had to stop looking....which actually turned out to be more of a counting lesson than anything else...those teachers sure are sneaky, slipping in learning while having fun! All the kids had a blast at their Easter its only Thursday...we still have the weekend left!
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